Saturday, June 28, 2014

Writing Tip: A Moment Journal

Hi, folks. Glad you are dropping by. News about PLUMB CRAZY is at the end of the post. Today, I'm going to chat about a little habit I have that others have found interesting.

I keep records of moments that strike me. For example, today I drove to Navasota to have lunch with my dad at The Wrangler Steakhouse. It was sunshiny when I left and sunshiny when I returned, only somewhere in that one hour, a huge torrential rain storm dumped massive puddles of water on the roadway. Weird.

And here's another. Yesterday, I was driving down my street and suddenly a huge beach ball rolled across a yard in front of my car and into the street, across another neighbor's yard and then back onto a side street. I watched it until it disappeared. I gave it a whimsical title. Beach ball takes a roll.

And a last moment, a couple of days ago I was driving down in front of Bryan High school, listening to a talk show about the World Cup and Japanese fans who wave blue trash bags during the match and then clean up after. Arigato gozaimasu, Japanese fans. Right then, I drove by a "Big Blue" sign in front of the Bryan High stadium and felt this whole the universe is full of cosmic harmony thing.

I put all these moments into what I call a moment journal. I keep several journals and to stay organized I buy journals of different sizes. I like long sort of grocery-list-sized journals for moments. Short fat journals for complaining (Ok, those are supposed to be a gratefulness journals. I'm working on that.) I write in my moment journal when I feel like it. It's a total creative exercise. Journal writing keeps my imagination flexible. Maybe my weird habit will spark something in you.

I will be back next week with a new series. I hope you make tons of creative progress this week.

Doodle for the week:  Blue girl.

Quote for your pocket.
Don’t get it right, just get it written. James Thurber
Now PLUMB CRAZY news: I recently an article on USA Today: Quirky Girls Need Love Too. I offer some tips that I follow when writing quirky characters. You might want to check that out.

There is also the ebook giveaway that is still running: Go here. 

The ebook version of PLUMB CRAZY from Swoon Romance but will be out as paperback soon. Try here for a copy from Amazon US. Here is Amazon UK. Here is Amazon Australia. Here is Amazon Canada. Try here for a copy for your B&N Nook .

Also consider participating in my upcoming book tour. Here is the link. 


Janet Lee Carey said...

Nice idea to break up the journals. A moment journal would be helpful to keep those surprising moments in one place I can find instead of jammed into the regular journal where they'll no doubt be lost. And I like the excuse to buy another journal.

Loved the Quirky Characters article, Molly. I tweeted it and shared on Facebook. go Molly!

Molly/Cece said...

Hi Janet, Glad the tip was helpful, and thank you so much for the tweet and fb mention!