On Friday, I'm heading out to the SCBWI retreat. It should be cool. I'm very excited. The next day is the conference and should be jazzy. The schedule is here.
My eggs are just silent and still. The doors are not flying open at this point. I've got knock on more doors.
Have a blessed day, Miss J2!
"It's not happiness or unhappiness, it's either blessed or unblessed." Bob Dylan.
What is motivating for me? I usually make a date to trade a manuscript with someone; that makes it necessary to have a manuscript. But I'd love to set writing goals and do the virtual high-five when we meet it.
Yeah for Holy Slappin'.
I will set this cool thing in motion! See the Holy Snapping' post.
Holy Snappin!
So nice to see your blog and your family. I loved talking with you at the conference and am going to cheer you on as you finish this book.
What's motivating for you? Should we each set a weekly writing goal and give a virtual high-five when we meet it?
We could call it Holy Slappin'.
Hi! Holy Snappin, right back at you.
Oooh. Thanks for the cheering.
What is motivating for me? I usually make a date to trade a manuscript with someone; that makes it necessary to have a manuscript. But I'd love to set writing goals and do the virtual high-five when we meet it.
Yeah for Holy Slappin'.
I will set this cool thing in motion! See the Holy Snapping' post.
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