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Today we have a hanging in there doodle high five from Trudi Trueit.
Trudi is also pouring out the daily hot java. She's revved up for the Golden Coffee Cup this year and is working on a new middle grade fiction novel.
Trudi writes about her doodle: It sort of sums up why I became a writer - angst, so much angst! It was either be a writer or a comedian and since public speaking makes me throw up I figured everyone's clothes were much safer with me writing. Humor books for kids are some of my favorite books to write, because humor is so vital to life. Laughter helps us get through the hard times, learn about ourselves, and step out of our pain to reach out to others.
So, true, Trudi. Honestly, folks, laughter is the only thing that keeps me sane! Thanks for the affirmation!
Trudi also sends three tibits of inspiration for you:
1) Take the work seriously but not yourself.
2) A writer is not defined by the binding, or lack of one (I was a writer long before I got published).
3) Keep your sense of humor. Who knows? One day you may actually get paid to use it!
Now for the SHOUTOUT! If you want to learn more about Trudi, check out her blog, her website, and her author page at Simon and Schuster, (At this site Trudi says: I have answered a TON of trivial personal questions like, 'if you were a bird, what sound would you make?' Okay, it's not that bad but close.)
Hope you use that sense of humor today. See ya tomorrow for the next hot cup of java to spur you on with your goals.
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. Zig Zigler
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