Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Time You Have Been Given

Life seems like a gift. It seems rare. It also seems very hard to do anything that matters.  I had the chance to see a bunch of Michelangelo's masterpieces this year, and I did think my bestie was making all of us seem lame.  I saw Rembrandt's art and Van Gogh's.  Again, more besties that make us all look like we are not trying. Does it shock you that inside me, there is a longing to slap something down that will echo through the ages? 

I call myself, "The voice crying out from suburbia."

Yep, not precisely the cutting-edge vibe dreamers long for. I am choosing to party with this gift of gab that the Universe has bestowed on me anyway. I want to matter, but I have no power to make that happen.  Here's the deal: no one wakes up and thinks, I know, I will be insignificant! I will pour out my life, hungering for the audience, and fall flat on my face. I note that moms don't exactly get the fast track when it comes to celebrated works. Maybe it's all the diapers, two am feedings, and little league practices that are getting in the way.

Anywho, I got it in my head tossing one of my stories (Profit) onto the web. I have been waiting for some agent to see my genius and share the brilliance of my work for 25 years. I have sent to sooooo many.  It's been a resounding no.  Yes, I write better than most yahoos on the planet (I have been assured by many, many agents), but I don't have "Je ne sais quoi."  


Be the voice you are meant to be. Treasure the gifts the Universe has handed to you. Do your thing. 

If you have time,  check out my story on Kindle Vella.  

For inquiring minds: here is a tutorial on how to use  Kindle Vella. 

  1. Go to the Vella section of the Amazon online store or download the Kindle app
  2. Find a story using the browser or the app's Discover or Store tab 
  3. Read the first 10 chapters for free 
  4. Buy tokens to read more chapters 

Here is a quote to treasure: 

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