Today’s joyous high five comes from Janet Lee Carey author of many wonderful books and recent wonderful fantasies: STEALING DEATH and DRAGONS OF NOOR!

I love Janet's work; she brings such a sense of the interconnectedness of everything. She pours out the java for us today:
Fiction is a faith walk. The kind of faith required only grows as a writer pays close attention and sets the words down upon the page. Even if you’ve successfully written one or more novels you can’t expect to reproduce that success. We all have to start with a tabula rasa and begin at the beginning each time. Over the years while working on my novels, I’ve used a journal to play with plot ideas, create characters, and stay open to story. My journal keeps me fresh. It also keeps me honest when I let it. My inner storyteller knows what I need to hear and lately my journal has been telling me to slow down.
Dueling deadlines has had me on a fast writing track in the past few years. I’ve had to write a lot each day to make my deadlines, but page count and word count are all about quantity, not quality. As I slow down and seek my own rhythm, the story unfolds at its own pace, my breathing pace, my heart rate, and I begin to hear my storytelling voice more clearly. If you’re like me and you’ve been writing in a rush maybe you’d to try slowing down a little, and finding your own natural rhythm. Fiction is a faith walk. If you walk at your own pace where might it take you?
Oh, what hot java for the penultimate day of the Golden Coffee Cup! Snap! Snap! Snap! See you back tomorrow. Post your goal stories, and I'll announce the winners on Dec. 1st.
You are all SO awesome.
Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. St. Augustine