My goal this summer is to read two of my novels and get them sparkly for marketing. I'm also going to do a second revision of my big fat sci-fi novel. I'm feeling so jazzed about that.
I hope that me lifting up the lid on my goals will help you make a reasonalble goal. One thing that I've found helps me is to keep a task list. I might revise for time, or revise for voice, or perhaps for scenes/sequels, whatever, it helps to be specific on this list. I might write read chapters 23 - 25, write the timeline for those chapters, revise them as needed to make the timeline makes sense.
I hope that you make a list of concrete goals and that you will do what you said would. Don't give up. Your dream is at the top of this hill. It is totally worth hiking up there! See you next week. :)
Today's doodle is called: "Surprise!"

The quote for the day is a popular oldie but goodie.
Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for? Robert Browning