Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sighting on Amazon

I hope you enjoyed the Golden Coffee Cup. If you need your award, go to the Golden Coffee Cup link and look at the last post. There you will find instructions on how to receive the coveted award.

My work-for-hire book is available on Amazon! Rocks and Minerals by Molly Blaisdell, well, rocks. It's just an amazingly beautiful book. Go check it out.

According to Christina Wildson in her article "Will Write for Food: Scribbling for Hire" in Fall 2006 Chinook, some consider our work-for-hire work to be like living in a ghetto." I learned also that I'm a hack -- "one who forfeits individual freedom and action or professional integrity in exchange for wages or other assured reward; esp: a writer who works mainly for hire." Really, teenagers need many pairs of blue jeans and being a hack provides for such needed things. And, I'm with Christina, it's a joy to write these books and a thrill to know that children will read them.

For the record, I've been from the wrong side of tracks my whole life and arrogant folks who publicly look down their noses at the honest work of others need to visit Miss Manners and keep their comments to observations about the weather (Thank you, Miss Austen).

Now, on to news. That rocking egg was bouncing up and down this week and (top secret, shhhhh, editor emails and calls, not saying a word until ink slides against paper, no dancing in the streets, yet) I predict EXCITING news is ahead; furthermore, signs and portents indicate that I will be a hack (nothing wrong with that) no longer.

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